7 Day Challenge

Weird to say but I’m coming up on my one month mark in Teià. While Skyping my family for Mother’s Day, they asked what I do in my free time (which is a majority of my day). It was then that I realized I have pretty much the same daily routine, and I shouldn’t. In order to push myself outside of my comfort zone, I’ve decided to create a 7 Day Challenge in which I have one week to complete each of these tasks. I have to take pictures, when possible, as documentation.

  1. Walk some place new in the city✔ I walked to the public school in Teià and went on a walk to a new neighborhood.       FullSizeRender (7) - Copy
  2. Talk to a stranger every day ✔ from the neighbors passing on the sidewalk to tourists at the discotecas, I said at least a few words to someone new every day.
  3. Find a little café where I can become a regular✔ Ella and I went for a drink on my birthday and decided we should make ourselves regulars at the café.IMG_6653
  4. Travel outside the house alone and without a phone (GPS)✔ I run three days a week without my phone.FullSizeRender (6) - Copy
  5. Attempt to speak Catalan✔I’m counting it because I tried. It resulted in a fit of laughter and confusion.
  6. Take the train to a new city✖ Ella and I had plans to go to Tarragona, but the rain ruined that.
  7. Make a new friend✔ I met three new au pairs, and a precious puppy down the street from me. IMG_6635
  8. Try a new food✔ I tried razor clams, or navajas in Spanish. With some garlic and olive oil they’re quite good. IMG_6668 (2)
  9. Hike through the mountains✖ Ella and I intended to climb it twice. The first time we couldn’t find a path and the second it rained.FullSizeRender - Copy (5)
  10. Do something out of my comfort zone✔ I took the nit bus home alone from Barcelona one night. I also embraced the European topless beach habit.74fb212c5bbe9b0a94bc91cfa4fd5ffbo

Of course, I’ve decided to add a few funny ones for my own entertainment.

  1. Get a stranger to buy me a drink (I’ll make sure to keep an eye on it when it’s being poured, mom)✔ Can’t complain a our free roofie-less drinks.
  2. Buy a drink for a stranger✖ I should return the favor.
  3. Convince someone I’m from Germany✖ I practiced before going out, then forgot to even try.
  4. Get a phone number✔ Do I get bonus points for getting more than one?
  5. Kiss a foreigner✔Let’s be honest, this one wasn’t too difficult.

I’ll make sure to update this post with details and pictures in a week. Wish me luck! XXOO, L

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